China anuncia US$ 174 bi em energia limpa até 2020

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Segundo o Portal Bem Paraná “o país mais populoso do mundo e também o maior emissor de gases de efeito estufa, a China, está investindo pesado em infraestrutura energética, destinada à produção de energia renovável. Nos próximos quatro anos, segundo a Administração Nacional de Energia da China, serão investidos US$ 174 bilhões em energia limpa. De acordo com a agência, as produções hidrelétrica e eólica devem concentrar a maior parte dos investimentos. Os objetivos são para o curto prazo, com medidas que devem estar em funcionamento até 2020. Além do impacto ambiental, pelo fato de substituir combustíveis fósseis pelas fontes renováveis, a política também deve gerar 300 mil empregos diretos e indiretos apenas no que diz respeito à energia eólica.”

Leia o artigo no Portal Bem Paraná aqui.

Para aprender mais sobre o caso da mudança na matriz  energética, recomendamos a leitura do artigo por Ming et al. (2014). No artigo publicado na Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) entitulado “Review of renewable energy investment and financing in China: Status, mode, issues and countermeasures


1-s2-0-s1364032113007752-gr1With the support of national policies, China’s renewable energy generation industry has experienced a rapid development period and entered the world forefront level, especially in the aspects of installed capacity and speed of newly installed capacity. However, with the rapid development of renewable energy, the power generation industry is facing more and more challenges, particularly in investment and financing. As for wind power industry, there are also some problems such as single financing channels, blindness of projects investment and so on, which will result in financing difficulties for some advanced projects. In addition, the problems for the investment of photovoltaic (PV) power generation leads to vicious competition and a tumble in international market, thus the overcapacity of China’s entire PV industry emerges. Generally speaking, the renewable energy industry is facing a seemingly contradictory predicament of funding deficiencies and blind investment, which is derived from the government-centered renewable energy investment and financing. This government-centered mode has promoted the development of renewable energy industry in the early stage, but it cannot be adapted to the requirements of sustainable development. In view of these, the problems of renewable energy investment and financing are deeply studied in this paper.

This paper proceeds as follows: Firstly, the overview of the development of China’s renewable energy industry is briefly introduced. Secondly, the status quo of China’s renewable energy investment and financing is explored in detail based on overview of the following five perspectives: investment situation; investment and financing bodies; investment and financing means; sources of funding and financing channels. 1-s2-0-s1364032113007752-gr21Secondly, the patterns and characteristics of renewable energy financing are summarized and a comparative analysis of wind power and photovoltaic power generation financing means is carried out. Finally, renewable energy investment and financing issues are discussed and further feasible proposals are put forward. In all, this paper is of great significance in the sustainable and healthy development of China’s renewable energy.


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